Students like me work on the principle of rockets. Not because we aim the sky, but because, we start studying only when our tail is on fire !!
- Nivya James (Friend & Guide)
Block the candy crush saga requests

Block the candy crush saga requests

inspired by the twilight saga??
Notifications are exciting. It may be a like or comment on your post or a post by someone you follow. Whatever it may be, it always brings a smile on the face, Right? Wrong. Not always. Especially if you are using a dial-up connection with a high speed internet as mine (30KB/s) and the notification is nothing other than a game request. Games on social networks are designed to force people to invite more friends to play it or shell out a few coins to make up for the audience they lose.

The latest addictive game under this category is the ‘Candy crush saga’. I would like to get the autograph of the facebook user who hasn’t received a single candy crush saga request till date. These requests irritate much more than a best friend. So here is a way to stop the candy crush nuisance:

Method 1: Stop Candy Crush Facebook Notifications

This method is for those who are using candy crush app on their phone, but don’t want any request on their Facebook account.

1) Open your Facebook account and open the settings menu

2) Now select “Apps” from Left sidebar

3) Now find “Candy Crush Saga” app and click on the edit button

4) Now in “When to notify you” section, select “Never” option

That’s it, now you will never receive the notification on your Facebook profile, you can enjoy your game and accept and send requests using the candy crush app.

Method 2: Block Candy Crush Facebook Notifications

This method is for those who have no relation with Candy crush saga whatsoever.

1) Open your Facebook account and open settings menu

2) Now select the “blocking” option from left side bar

3) Now go to Block Apps option and type Candy Crush

4) Select the candy crush saga app.

5) You can now see that the app is blocked.


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